
Monitoring screen

1 min read

The monitoring screen shows an overview of the SD-WAN environment for MikroTik, with accurate information for managing and administering your networks.

Total Users #

Displays the total number of users registered in the system. In this example, there are 8 users.

Total Policies #

Shows the number of active policies in the platform. The displayed value is 15.

Total Devices #

Displays the total number of devices managed by the platform. In this case, there are 6 devices.

Reboot: Last 24 hours #

Shows the number of device reboots in the last 24 hours. 2 reboots have been recorded.

Insights #

Provides recommendations and quick links to platform resources, such as documentation.

Device Health #

Displays the health status of devices, categorized as Normal (green), Warning (yellow), or Error (red). In this example, there are 2 normal devices and 4 with errors.

Device Status #

A pie chart showing the proportion of devices online (orange) and offline (beige).

FailOver Health #

Shows the failover integrity in three categories: Full (green), Partial (yellow), and No WAN (red). In the example, no devices are listed in any of the categories.

FailOver Health (Chart) #

A line chart displaying failover connectivity over time, indicating the number of devices in Full, Partial, or No WAN.


Displays the VPN connection status of devices. In this example, there are no connected or disconnected devices.

Last Logs #

Shows recent log entries, including the action description and the user who executed it. In the example, all logs are for automatic backups performed by the system.

Versions RouterOS #

A pie chart showing the distribution of RouterOS versions on managed devices.