
Create the first content filter policy

Create the first content filter policy #

Creation Date: April 8, 2024
Created By: Eduardo Henrique

1. Click on Policies #

Click on  Policies

2. Click on Add Policy #

Click on Add Policy

3. Type “Company Policy Name” #

Type "Company Policy Name"

4. Check Categories #

Check Categories

ℹ️ Check DOH and DOT for the filter to work on Google Chrome and new browsers (DNS over HTTPS, DNS over TLS)

5. Check DOH & DOT (Google Chrome and new browsers) #

Check DOH & DOT (Google Chrome and new browsers)

6. Type “www.siteblock.com” #

Type "www.siteblock.com"

7. Select Block to block website #

Select Block to block website

8. Click on Add #

Click on  Add

9. Type “www.siteunblock.com” #

Type "www.siteunblock.com"

10. Click on Unblock to unblock website #

Click on Unblock to unblock website

11. Click on Add #

Click on  Add

12. Click on Save Policy #

Click on Save Policy

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

The content filtering screen is a powerful tool that can help you control the type of content you see online. However, it is important to use it responsibly. Blocking too many sites or categories of sites can make it difficult to find the information you need.

The content filtering screen is not foolproof. It is possible to bypass some content filters using proxy servers or other methods.

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